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Ruud Boxes
Mastery Box (Minor) 1600~3000 RUUD
Mastery Box (Standard) 3000~4000 RUUD
Mastery Box (Greater) 4000~4500 RUUD
Labyrinth Box (Lower) 1600~3000 RUUD
Labyrinth Box (Medium) 3000~4000 RUUD
Labyrinth Box (Higher) 4000~4500 RUUD

Silver Medal 
Normal Item +8~+11

Gold Medal
Excellent Armors +0 1~2 Opt

Ancient Items T1~3

Kundun Boxes +1~5
Jewels x1~x5
Miracle Coin x1
Excellent/Socket Weapons/Shields

Elemental Capsules
Errtels + Radiance
Pentagrams Lv300
Blessing of Spirit
Talisman of Element Change
Radiance Expansion Scroll

Seed Capsules
Seed Spheres Lvl 2

Sealed Silver Box
Jewel of Harmony x15
Jewel of Creation x15
Lapidary Stone x15
Guardian Enhance Stone x15
Elite Guardian Enhance Stone x10
Elemental Rune x15
Ruud 1500/3000
Bless of Light (Medium/Greater) x10
Pizza x10
Miracle Coin x5

Sealed Golden Box
Jewel of Harmony x30
Jewel of Creation x30
Lapidary Stone x30
Guardian Enhance Stone x30
Elite Guardian Enhance Stone x20
Elemental Rune x30
Ruud 3000/10000
Bless of Light (Medium/Greater) x20
Pizza x20
Miracle Coin x10

Posted 01-12-2023